About Penguin

Author Penguin Scott travels the world and writes about it while including his artistic photos. He recently published a series of three books of American Poetry that cover works he’s written as far back as 1987.

He’s lived on all three US coasts- growing up in Houston, spending five years in Maryland running a family business, and then claiming the San Francisco Bay Area as home for fourteen years. He’s come full circle, moving back to Houston in 2014.

He’s known for his unique eye in photographing his travels. He is currently working on publishing his travel blogs in a series of three books, and next will center his attention on fiction writing, including stories in the genres of sci-fi and horror, as well as applying personal life-experiences into drama that he hopes to make into a play or movie.

Penguin gained a special appreciation for art as a participant of Burning Man from 2001-2007. He also spent many hours as a volunteer at the BMan HQ, attaining ‘rock star’ status.

In December, 2020, Penguin contracted COVID and now struggles with long-haul COVID symptoms that affect cognition. He has been unable to work, and is raising funds to live on through donations and book sales.  He accepts PayPal donations via authorpenguinscott@gmail.com.